A standards compliant Network Remote ID / Flight Authorisation / Geofence / Traffic Information server for UTM / U-Space. Includes integrations for consuming live flight data, non-repudiation of telemetry etc.
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Flight Blender

Flight Blender is the UTM data processing engine for the OpenUTM stack.
Argon server is a backend / data-processing engine to stand up standards-compliant UTM services that adhere to the latest regulations on UTM / U-Space in the EU and other jurisdictions. Specifically, it gives you:
- an open source Remote ID “service provider” compatible with ASTM Remote ID standard, it comes with Flight Spotlight a opensource remote ID Display Application as well.
- an open source implementation of the ASTM USS <-> USS standard and compatible with the EU U-Space regulation for flight authorisation
- ability to interact with
or similar interoperability software to exchange data with other UTM implementations
- ability to consume geo-fences per the ED-269 standard
- basic monitoring of conformance and operator notifications
- a flight traffic feed aggregator that has different modules that can process and relay data around flights and airspace: geo-fence, flight declarations, air-traffic data.
There are different modules that enable this:
- DSS Connectivity: There are modules to connect and read for e.g. Remote ID data from a DSS, Strategic deconfliction / flight authorization
- Flight Tracking: It takes in flight tracking feeds from various sources e.g. ADS-B, live telemetry, Broadcast Remote ID and others and outputs as a single fused JSON feed and submits it to a Display Application to be shown in real-time on a display
- Geofence: A Geofence can be submitted into Flight Blender and consequently transmitted to Spotlight
- Flight Declaration: Future flights up-to 24 hours can be submitted, this support both the ASTM USS <-> USS API and can also be used as a standalone component, for supported DSS APIs see below
- Network Remote-ID : The Network RID module is compliant with ASTM standards for Network RID and can be used as a “display provider” or as a “service provider”
- Operator Notifications: Using a AMQP queue you can send notifications to the operator
- Conformance Monitoring (beta): Monitory trajectory / flight path against the declared 4D Volume
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Technical details
Submitting AOI, Flight Declarations and Geofence data
Take a look at sample data below to see the kind of data that can be submitted in Flight Blender